extraSlice provides a comprehensive ecosystem where innovators,entrepreneurs, business professionals, and students of technology can gather together to build successful future businesses.The extraSlice App lets members book resources such as conference rooms and the upcoming features will help members collaborate with in our community to discuss ideas, find or post opportunities, & more.The app brings all our members under one platform regardless of their location and helps them stay connected and brings more value add to their business.
The main features available in the current release are given below
Join extraSlice
- Existing users of extraSlice can join using their registered email address.
- All other users can send join request to the admin by tapping the join now button under the selected plan
Login Functionality
- Registered users can login to the app
- Users have the option to reset the password using forgot password link
- User can submit the support request to the admin through the app using support feature.
Conference booking
- The users can reserve the conference rooms based on their availability for the selected time slot.
- The user can view the reserved slots from the horizontal scroll view given under each conference room.
- The user can view the information on who booked a particular slot by tapping on the shaded sections in the horizontal view
- The user has the option to quickly select the date using "Today", "Tomorrow" or can select any day using "select a day" option
- The users can view their conference room bookings through the "My Reservations" link
- The users can use Day/Week/Monthly view in "My Reservations" page
- The users can edit/delete/view the meetings in "My Reservations" page by tapping on it